Alternative Risk Solutions
Great plan selections and pricing options for property and casualty insurance coverage can often be hard and stressful to find, but joining a group program with companies that have similar business needs can simplify that search.
Benefits of Group
Insurance Programs.
- Ownership stake in Your own Insurance Company
- Renewal & Pricing Transparency
- Stabilization of Insurance Costs
- Implementation of Effective Risk Management
- Industry Peer Collaboration
Does it make sense for my company?
- Better Than Average Loss History?
- $75,000 or More in Casualty Premium?
- Looking for industry peers with aligned values & to share best practices?
- Have an Appetite for Some Risk?
Cornerstone is at the forefront.
Cornerstone’s Alternative Risk team is at the industry’s forefront in designing and administering alternative risk financing mechanisms and stand-alone options.
There are a variety of stand-alone options for groups to address risk collectively. Group alternative risk finance mechanisms are attractive for smaller companies who want access to better rates and specialized coverage and services.

Client Groups.
- Captives & rent-a-captives
- Group self-insurance pools
- Risk retention groups
- Risk purchasing groups
Experience & Expertise in Diverse Structures.
- Fourteen group programs under management:
- Property and casualty
- Self insured medical (stop-loss captives)
- Captives:
- On-shore and off-shore domiciles
- Single parent, group-owned, rent-a-captives